Fundraising with HOPE Rx Works!
Need funds for your organization? You can now help others while raising money for your organization just by passing out free HOPE Rx Cards to your members, staff, clients and donors--and the public. We'll even customize your cards and include your logo, free of charge.
Funding in Tough Times
The HOPE Rx Fundraising Program is a perfect solution for raising money in difficult economic times. Distributing the free HOPE Rx Cards provides an additional income stream and exceptional source of sustainable funds for your organizaton. Plus, the HOPE Rx Card works great for marketing and promoting your non-profit in the community.
HOPE Rx Simply Works for Fundraising!
It's a win-win-win. You raise money, we earn a small fee, and most importantly, you will be helping people save money on their prescription medications. We take care of all the accounting. All you do is collect the money.
It's Simple. It's Easy. Get more information...
Call or email and we will send the information to you right away. Visit our Contact Us page to get to know us.
H.O.P.E. Rx is "Helping Other People Everyday"
Share This Page with anyone you know who needs to raise funds for a good cause. They will "thank you." I promise. - Liz Winter